[Ruixibiotech] Phosphadylethanolamine(PE)

등록일2024. 08. 16
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[Ruixibiotech] Phosphadylethanolamine(PE)

[Ruixibiotech] Products

어스바이오는 Ruixibiotech 한국 공식 대리점으로서 모든 제품을 전문적으로 취급 및 공급하고 있습니다.
Ruixibiotech의 phospholipids 제품을 소개드립니다.

[Ruixibiotech] Phosphadylethanolamine(PE)

Phosphadylethanolamine(PE)은 생체막에서 발견되는 인지질의 일종으로 12:0 PE, 14:0 PE, 16:0 PE, 18:0 PE, 18:1 PE가 있습니다.

Product list and Description:

Catalog Name Description
R-C-2815 DSPE-Peg-Streptavidin Streptavidin is a protein with similar biological characteristics to avidin.It is the secretion of streptavidinii.Its molecular weight and ability to bind biotin are similar to those in egg white.Its isoelectric point is 6.0,and its nonspecific binding is much lower than that of avidin.After polyethylene glycol modification on the surface of liposomes,long circulating liposomes can prolong the half-life of liposomes,improve its stability in blood circulation,change the biological distribution of liposomes,and have targeting
R-0011 DSPE DSPE, 1,2-Distearoyl-sn-glycero-3-phosphoethanolamine is a synthetic phospholipids
R-0012 DPPE DPPE, 1,2-Dipalmitoyl-sn-glycero-3-phosphoethanolamine is a 16:0 PE

어스바이오(USBIO)는 Ruixibiotech 한국 공식 대리점입니다.
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